
Bible Journaling with Jesus, Napkins & Swaps

I have a facebook group that is called Bible Journaling with Jesus, Napkins and Swaps. My partner is LaToya and she is great! She does videos for our site and she loves to get swaps together for our members.

We are going strong with more than 4,000 members in our group…Woooo Hoooo!!

Some of the things we have for you to participate in include:

SWAPS…with LaToya and the ladies who sign up to participate in them. Swap with whomever you are assigned to, following the directions for that particular swap. Ladies swap napkins and journaling items to use in our Bibles or journals. Sometimes we even have a theme for our swaps. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to meet people from all over the country…and world!

FRIYEAH CHALLENGES:  Every Friday someone will post a challenge for you to journal a passage in your Bible. We have a group of ladies who do this for us…they are wonderful! They even do a RAK (Random Act of Kindness) at the end of each month. IF you participate by posting in their thread, your name gets entered for the RAK!

SCRIPTURE READING AND WRITING CHALLENGE: Every month I will post a list of scripture verses to read each day of the month. If you choose, you can also participate in the challenge part and post a journal page for any of the days passages.  Do one…do them all! Totally up to you! Oh…and there may be a FREEBIE involved!

RAK BLESSINGS: This is another fun way to meet ladies in the group. Go to the instruction sheet, read it, and then choose anyone from the list to RAK at any time! Shhhh…don’t tell them, it’s a surprise! If you wish to join the list follow the instruction sheet.

We also have a BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS list that you can access on our site…this is where you will find a list of birthday girls by Month, then Date. Easy to find someone to RAK! This is getting popular!

On our Facebook page we have an INFORMATION post (under FEATURED) that tells you everything we feature here. It is there always for you to check out. Sometimes you may find a FREEBIE under Featured too!

We have many other threads under FEATURED to look through…like where to find napkins, Group Rules (gotta have them), Shops (with links, only allowed in that thread), How to create your own napkin album to swap napkins here (no selling allowed), Bibles – what kind should I buy, where do I get them?, and more!

GUIDES is also another area to find lots of things like…LaToya’s videos; A Teaching Moment…want to learn something new, check it out; Coloring Tips; lists of our Monthly Scripture Readings; a Bible reading plan, and more…

Please come and join us here: Bible Journaling with Jesus, Napkins and Swaps.





Hello…some news


I have closed the store on this site because I have been having issues with it…for example no one can make any purchases!  What good is a store that you cannot purchase anything from! It used to work but for 6 months I have been trying to fix it and nothing!

So…I have joined the Etsy crowd and have a store there called KathysDigitalDesk. As of today I have 80 stickers pages  and am running a sale of 20% off everything.

Here is the link:  https://www.etsy.com/shop/KathysDigitalDesk

I have been adding my sticker pages there starting with my newest ones that never made it here. Many of them are Bibical related. Please go over there and check them out. Many of my older pages I am redoing. My style has changed some…so going in that direction.

Here are a few samples at my new Etsy store…KathysDigitalDesk.




I hope you like them!



It’s been awhile…

I have not posted here in a long time….I started what I was hoping to be my new business, KathysDigitalDesk as a Virtual Assistant. Told all my family and friends about it, but nothing has happened. Don’t know where to go from here.

So, I took a part time job as the secretary at a small local church. St. Pauls in New Rochester, Ohio. I love it! The pastor is very sweet (a female) and so pleasant to work with!

I have been busy making new sticker pages and will have to update my store with them soon!  It will be a job…there are about 50 of them! I love making them and share a lot with my Bible journaling group on Facebook… Bible Journaling with Jesus, Napkins and Swaps. I only share for a limited time then take them down.

Have a great week and Happy Independence Day USA (July 4)!